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How to Create a Company Vision People Want to Follow

Culture, Founders

How to Create a Company Vision People Want to Follow

Can you answer this question? Better yet, can your entire team answer this question in the same way? Where are we going? Sounds simple, but 99% of teams answer this question in two ways: Old-school...
5 steps to $100M in revenue

Founders, Ops

5 Steps to Scale to $100M & Beyond

If you watch one thing this week, this should be it 👇 Ever feel like you’re working your ass off, but not making any real progress? It happens to the best of us. In the...

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7 Company Culture Killers and What to Do About Them

Culture is a lagging indicator Culture is the heart of any strong company. When you get it right, it’s like a magnet for positive progress – it’ll attract great people, great customers, and new ideas....

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The perfect bonus plan for any company

Founders, Leadership

The Perfect Bonus Plan for Any Company

It’s all about incentive alignment… Most companies screw up compensation design. They struggle to balance base pay, bonus pay, and sales commissions – either making things too complex (you need a PHD to understand your...

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Recent Articles

July 12, 2024

7 Imaginary Rules Holding You Back as a Leader

Our own worst enemies We all want to be great leaders. We read the top 10 books, watch the TED talks, and try to follow in the footsteps of those who’ve made it big. But...

Leadership, Management | June 28, 2024

The Annual Review Is Dead. Here’s What I Do Instead:

No one likes annual performance reviews. Not the employee, not the manager, not the company. So why do so many companies still suffer the brain damage? Because, like so many things in business, “it’s the...

why top performers quit

Leadership, Management | May 10, 2024

7 Reasons You’re Losing Your Top Performers

A-players don’t just “quit.” As a founder in the trenches for 20+ years, I’ve seen my fair share of A-players come and go. Most assume that star employees leave because of compensation or career advancement...

how to resolve conflict as a manager

Leadership, Management | May 3, 2024

How to Resolve Conflict as a Manager (and save hours of stress)

Time doesn’t heal all wounds. I’ll be the first to admit I used to hate conflict. I’d avoid it at all costs, hoping tensions would just magically dissolve on their own. As a young manager,...

5 Calendar Rules I Can’t Live Without

Founders, Ops | April 19, 2024

5 Calendar Rules I Can’t Live Without

You are what you schedule. As a leader, your time is your most valuable asset. So, the difference between good and great leadership is how you use your time. That makes your calendar one of...

How to crush your all-hands meeting

April 12, 2024

How to Crush Your All-Hands Meeting

The power of the all-hands meeting Most leaders think of the all-hands meeting as a necessary evil. A formality to check the culture box. Something to get through as quickly as possible to get back...

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startup investors lie

Founders | April 5, 2024

Top 10 Lies Startup Investors Tell (and how to respond)

Raising money is like walking through a minefield. As a founder and CEO for nearly 20 years, I’ve raised hundreds of millions from startup investors. I’ve heard it all—the good, the bad, and the downright...

12 simple habits to becoming a high-performing manager

Leadership, Management | March 29, 2024

12 Insanely Simple Habits to Become a High-Performing Manager

Management Habits Spread Fast Most people are terrible managers when they first start. And I was, too! So, if you’re not careful, your poor management habits will start to spread across the company. Eventually, you’ll...

7 Startup Mistakes

Founders, Ops | March 22, 2024

7 [Non-Obvious] Mistakes That Kill Startups

Startups are hard. Really hard. As a founder and investor in 20+ companies, I’ve seen my fair share of successes and failures. But here’s the thing—the reason startups fail is not what you think. Sure,...

Leadership, Management, Ops | March 1, 2024

How to Crush Your One-on-One Meetings

Stop dreading your one-on-one (1×1) meetings.  The word “meeting” makes most people’s skin crawl. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of terrible meetings after leading teams for 20 years.  And research backs this up,...

Leadership, Management | February 23, 2024

How the Best Leaders Build Resilience

The #1 predictor of success is resilience. Not market, product, or funding. The team’s resilience matters most – their ability to overcome challenges and come out stronger on the other side. In other words, how...

Founders | February 16, 2024

My Top 7 Mistakes Raising $200M from Investors

Raising Money is a Game Raising funding for startups is really f’n hard. But it’s a game, and one that can be mastered. Since most businesses require some outside investment, as a founder or CEO,...

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