
Recent Articles
Ten Ingredients to a High-Performing Culture

Culture | February 9, 2024

10 Ingredients of a High-Performance Culture

Should you obsess over culture? My answer is: kinda (but please read on). A high-performance culture signals that you’re doing something right (or many things!). So in a way, it’s something any leader would love...

Leadership, Management | February 2, 2024

Top Interview Questions to Hire Only A-Players

Build self-managing teams. This should be your goal as a leader. A team so good, they don’t really need you. Here’s what that team looks like: âś“ Shares your valuesâś“ Doesn’t give up easilyâś“ Needs...

Leadership, Management, Ops | January 26, 2024

Meetings Suck – These are the Only 3 You’ll Ever Need

Let’s Get Real, Meetings Suck. I’ve been a founder and CEO for nearly 20 years, have been in more meetings than I’d like to admit, and have read countless books on management and leadership. My...

Founders, Leadership, Management | January 19, 2024

5 Rules to Master Delegation (& Do More of What You Love)

Delegation is a superpower, but 99% of people get it wrong. Effective leadership is about striking a balance between the bigger picture vision and nailing the day-to-day operations. Delegation is one the most important tools...

Founders | January 12, 2024

The Ideal Compensation Package for Any Founder

Eating ramen noodles as a founder isn’t a badge of honor. I sacrificed compensation for too long early in my entrepreneurial journey. Almost four years after founding Classy, I was sleeping on the floor of...

Culture, Founders | January 5, 2024

How to Create Company Values People Actually Believe In

Integrity. Respect. Team Work. If your company values look like this 👆 then it’s time for a makeover! These words are corporate babble, typically found on an office poster that no one looks at. What...

The best of startup founder advice in 202

Culture, Founders, Leadership, Management, Ops | December 29, 2023

My Top 50 Posts of 2023

It’s f’n hard to start something new. And this year was a stark reminder of just that! Nine months ago, I started posting content for startup founders on LinkedIn and Instagram, mainly to get a...

Animated GIF of Scot as an archer that reads How to Set & Achieve Your Business Goals

Management, Ops | December 22, 2023

7 Essential Rules of [Business] Goal-Setting

Why set business goals? The answer is simple: organizational alignment. And as the famous author and business guru Jim Collins once said: “Great performance is about 1% vision and 99% alignment.” Ya, that about sums...

what a startup CEO actually does

Founders, Leadership | December 15, 2023

How to Become a Top 1% Startup CEO

Most people think they know what a startup CEO does. But in reality, most CEOs don’t even know what they’re supposed to do! I certainly didn’t when I got started, and I would bet that...

Graphic featuring photo of Scot and the text

Culture, Leadership, Ops | December 1, 2023

Fix the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and Become Unstoppable

Most teams are dysfunctional. 🤬 Sorry, it’s true. But don’t take it from me. One of my favorite business authors, Patrick Lencioni, wrote a whole book about it called The Five Dysfunctions of a Team....

Founders | November 17, 2023

7 Critical Lessons for New Startup Founders

Building a company is damn hard. Any of this sound familiar? This is the everyday life of an entrepreneur and founder. I know because I’ve gone through it 3 times! And the reality is most...

Photo of Scot with a group of alpacas on his farm with animated text that reads,

Leadership, Management | November 10, 2023

Test Your Leadership Skills With 3 Simple Questions

What makes a great leader? It’s a tough question to answer. The stereotypical idea of a leader is more in line with Steve Jobs announcing the next version of the iPhone. But in reality, leaders...

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