Written by Scot Chisholm
| Leadership, Management | June 28, 2024
Not the employee, not the manager, not the company.
So why do so many companies still suffer the brain damage? Because, like so many things in business, “it’s the way it’s always been.”
And I followed along too (for a while) – until one year I just couldn’t take it any longer. There was too much senseless work, too much bureaucracy, too many things that were taking us away from our customers.
But here’s the most ironic thing: for all the time the annual review process takes, the feedback in each review actually sucks. It’s either out of date, or manufactured just to fill the page.
Here’s the three scenarios I see most often:
I can literally see you nodding your head “yes, yes, and yes” as you read those three paragraphs.
So enough was enough–we killed the traditional annual performance review and rolled out a new process. One that favors ongoing feedback and coaching and doesn’t kick the can down the road.
In this post, I’m going to outline exactly what we did across our team of a couple hundred people. It’s not rocket science, but it is transformational. In just a few steps you can completely change how your company does performance management.
Ready? Here we go…
The first step is to shift your company’s mindset on what performance management actually is.
Most companies think of performance management as the annual review – a big one-time event that happens at the end of the year. But the best companies (and their managers) think of performance management as an ongoing, everyday process. They develop a coaching culture that delivers feedback to its people on a continuous basis – little nudges to make sure people are moving in the right direction. Not mountains of built-up feedback that can come across as a slap in the face.
Just think of a professional sports coach. Imagine if they watched the entire season in silence, then gave all their feedback to each player AFTER the season was over. Sounds crazy, right? Yet this is exactly what the majority of managers do when their company uses an annual performance review process.
Instead, you need to go from “one-time” performance management to “continuous” performance management. Your goal is to shorten the time duration between the actual event (that warrants some feedback) and the delivery of the feedback itself. One-on-one meetings (1×1’s) are a perfect opportunity for feedback (more on this below), but you should also practice giving impromptu feedback as well. Here are my golden rules for delivering feedback:
Bottom line, make feedback (both positive & constructive) a weekly, or even daily habit across your company. Get your team thinking like coaches, not dictators. The sooner you embrace this new performance management mindset, the better.
The next step is to make sure every individual not only sets annual goals, but aligns them to their team’s and the company’s.
One of the main reasons annual reviews fall flat is because goals weren’t clearly defined to begin with. Without a shared definition of success, it’s no wonder the employee and the manager end up misaligned. Waiting an entire year to have the review just widens the divide.
But individual goals are critically important in continuous performance management as well. Here are the steps to get this right:
Remember, just like the company and team goals, the individual’s goals are not meant to cover every single thing the person does throughout the year. An individual’s goals are only the three (or less) most important things they want to accomplish. Three things that will move the needle for their team and company. They should be spending the majority of their time on these three priorites, and the rest on everything else. This keeps people focused on the highest leverage activities without ignoring the necessary maintenance work.
With crystal clear, measurable goals now in place, continuous performance management becomes much easier. The next step will show you how.
The most underused tool for continuous performance management is the simple 1-on-1 meeting. But as I wrote about here, most managers get these wrong.
But done right, in a short amount of time, the manager can:
Here’s how I usually run my 1x1s and how it ties to performance management.
Part 1: Goal Progress (15 minutes):
For the first 15 minutes, the individual gives the manager an update on how they are doing against their goals. Make sure that progress is communicated clearly and issues are raised early. You are the coach in this situation, and there to help them achieve their goals.
Part 2: Their Agenda Items (30 minutes):
Then, for the next 30 minutes, you can let the individual bring their own items into the agenda. This empowers them to bring important items to the table. But there are two key things to keep in mind with this:
Part 3: Praise & Feedback (last 15 minutes):
And then, for the last 15 minutes, I pick one item in each of these two buckets:
This is a great way to end each meeting. It helps create a culture of feedback but also balances that with praise from the manager.
Once a quarter you should replace one of your one-on-one (1×1) meetings with a deeper performance “check-in”. Think of it as an opportunity to step back and talk about how the person is doing so far in the year. It’s like a “mini-review” without all the bureaucracy. Just a honest candid conversation between manager and individual.
This rhythm makes sure you never go more than a few months without a meaningful performance talk. Here’s how it works:
Then every six months, I add one more step: have a career conversation. This includes career trajectory and salary conversations. I still make base salary adjustments once a year, but in the case of extraordinary performance or promotion, I adjust the person’s salary during the year. But even if there’s no salary adjustment or promotion, it’s still good practice to review their career ambitions and let them know how they are tracking.
Quarterly check-ins are the most “formal” part of the continuous performance management philosophy. But compared to the traditional annual review, they are a cake walk.
Traditional reviews usually have a “personal development” section. Yet, this is typically the dynamic:
Here’s the reality: trying to improve a bunch of things at once is overwhelming and ineffective. It’s like trying to boil the ocean.
Instead, I recommend that each person pick ONE—just one—personal growth action. Each individual typically has one major area for improvement that dwarfs all others. If they worked on that one thing, their overall performance would improve 10-fold.
Here’s how you do this the right way:
By focusing on the highest-leverage growth opportunity, you set your people up to make transformational gains, not just incremental improvements. And that’s how you build a team of truly exceptional performers.
No one likes the annual review. So let’s get rid of it together.
It starts by moving from a one-time performance management philosophy to a continuous performance management philosophy.
Remember that sports coach analogy? Be the coach that gives feedback during and after every game. Don’t be the coach that waits until the season is over.
Your people will love it, your company will perform, and those old annual reviews will soon be a bad memory
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