
Ops Articles
5 steps to $100M in revenue

Founders, Ops | June 7, 2024

5 Steps to Scale to $100M & Beyond

Whether you're just starting out, or you're a seasoned CEO, this masterclass will give you the framework you need to break free from the operational grind and elevate yourself as a true leader. 

5 Calendar Rules I Can’t Live Without

Founders, Ops | April 19, 2024

5 Calendar Rules I Can’t Live Without

Control your calendar, control your leadership! This article shares five powerful rules to maximize productivity and reclaim your schedule. Discover how to prioritize deep work, optimize meetings, and achieve peak performance as a leader.

7 Startup Mistakes

Founders, Ops | March 22, 2024

7 [Non-Obvious] Mistakes That Kill Startups

Struggling to build a lasting startup? This article reveals seven "non-obvious" mistakes that can kill a startup, focusing on team dynamics and leadership. Learn how to foster focus, alignment, and motivation within your team to achieve sustainable growth.

Leadership, Management, Ops | March 1, 2024

How to Crush Your One-on-One Meetings

Tired of unproductive meetings? This article provides a comprehensive guide to transforming your one-on-one meetings from dreaded obligations into powerful tools for boosting team performance and unlocking individual potential. [1, 2] Learn practical rules and pro tips for both managers and team members to maximize these essential check-ins.

Leadership, Management, Ops | January 26, 2024

Meetings Suck – These are the Only 3 You’ll Ever Need

Drowning in unproductive meetings? This article reveals the only three meetings you need: all-hands, top goals, and one-on-ones. Learn how to structure these meetings for maximum impact, boost team alignment, and drive actionable results.

The best of startup founder advice in 202

Culture, Founders, Leadership, Management, Ops | December 29, 2023

My Top 50 Posts of 2023

It’s f’n hard to start something new. And this year was a stark reminder of just that! Nine months ago, I started posting content for startup founders on LinkedIn and Instagram, mainly to get a...

Animated GIF of Scot as an archer that reads How to Set & Achieve Your Business Goals

Management, Ops | December 22, 2023

7 Essential Rules of [Business] Goal-Setting

Want a winning business strategy? This article offers seven key rules for effective business goal setting. Learn to set focused goals, define measurable outcomes, create supportive routines, track progress, and reward your team for success.

Graphic featuring photo of Scot and the text

Culture, Leadership, Ops | December 1, 2023

Fix the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and Become Unstoppable

Is your team a well-oiled machine or on the verge of implosion? This article explores the five common dysfunctions that plague teams, from lack of trust and fear of conflict to poor accountability and misaligned goals. Discover practical exercises to address each dysfunction and unlock your team's full potential

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Every week I tackle management, operations & startup topics that are helping 20,000+ people become better leaders.

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